Welcome to Luxe Art Company, a captivating fusion of Moroccan-Andalusian heritage and contemporary design. Founded by fifth-generation Moroccan master, Hamidi, and renowned industrial designer, Abe Elomari, our firm embodies the essence of sophistication.

Drawing inspiration from calligraphy, geometric patterns, floral designs, and muqarnas, our creations tell a captivating story while honoring the history of Moroccan-Andalusian design. With offices in Morocco (Fes and Berkane) and an international base in St. Petersburg, Florida, we craft architectural wonders that leave an indelible mark worldwide.

Our team is dedicated to translating your visions into breathtaking realities. Whether you’re seeking to adorn your space with intricate tile work, elevate your interiors with bespoke furniture, or design a mesmerizing architectural masterpiece, Luxe Art Company is committed to exceeding your expectations.

At Luxe Art Company, we believe in the trans-formative power of design. Beyond mere aesthetics, our creations evoke emotion, inspire wonder, and ignite conversation. Join us in celebrating the rich cultural tapestry of Morocco and Andalusia as we embark on a journey of creativity and innovation together.